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Greg Steer's Farm, Glengarry, Australia

Balancer cow with 221 day old bull calf at foot.

Balancer cattle (50% Gelbvieh / 50% Red Angus) are raised on the property with the calves sold at ten months of age into the domestic vealer market or as stores to fatten.

The Balancer combination was chosen because the Gelbvieh adds milking ability and muscle and is a great match with the softness and fat cover of the Red Angus. Each year some female cattle are retained as part of a herd improvement program and to replace any remnant Black Angus/Friesian bloodlines.

Further details of Gelbvieh cross cattle can be found on this article on the Australian Gelbvieh Association web site.
The Red Angus Society of Australia also has a section on crossbreeding.

List of Victorian Gelbvieh/Red Angus/Balancer web sites

Glengarry is situated approximately 160km east-south-east of the Victorian state capital of Melbourne. The nearest major town in Traralgon.

Rainfall at Glengarry West

Farm Information Links

Farm Wildlife

Links to Local Sites

Locally we have a very useful farm discussion group - Central Gippsland BeefCheque Group

Balancer cows and calves with their winter coats

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